Rough Sleeping

Support for rough sleepers…
Sleeping on the streets can be cold and dangerous. If you have to spend some time sleeping rough, it’s important to keep safe, warm and well while you find a place to stay .
Keep warm - Try to stay as warm and dry as you can if you are on the streets. Wear lots of layers of clothing in cold conditions. The drop-in centre, at the Shekinah Mission, provides a non-judgemental ‘safe haven’ where people experiencing homelessness are welcomed. Staff at the Shekinah Mission may also be able to help you with free items such as shoes, a change of clothes and a sleeping bag. They also provide shower facilities.
Eat well - It’s possible to get free or cheap food if you are living on the streets. The Shekinah Mission offers breakfast and lunch at a reduced price. ZAP (Zone accommodation project) can refer you there for your first well-balanced nutritious three course lunch for free if you arrive at drop-in before 11am. After this, you would need to pay £1 to use this facility. ‘Soup runs’ are food projects which are provided by charities and faith groups in Plymouth. They provide free hot or cold food and drinks for homeless people. Between Monday and Saturday the soup run route is mobile, stopping at 4 locations – Martin Street, the Hoe, off Mayflower St and King’s Road. Every Sunday the soup run is moved indoors to the Shekinah Mission. Alcohol can dehydrate you – try to avoid it before sleeping. ZAP may also be able to help you with a referral to the foodbank. The Plymouth foodbank provides emergency food aid to those in crisis and relies entirely on voluntary donations and grants from non-governmental agencies.
Find a safe place to sleep - It’s important to find a safe place to sleep at night. ZAP may be able to help you find shelter at Safe Sleep which is based at The Salvation Army Lifehouse in Devonport. From there you will be considered for move-on to the George House Hostel or to a supported housing project. ZAP can also refer you to one or both of these options. Please visit our drop-in for specific advice regarding your situation. Plymouth City Council also provide additional accommodation during severe weather conditions – again please contact ZAP for more information. If you have to sleep rough, make sure you sleep where other people are sleeping. Keep to brighter lit & sheltered areas, and use cardboard, a sheet or newspaper to keep off the ground. You may be moved on or hassled in busy public places. ZAP can also make you known to the Rough Sleepers Team which is run by Path (Plymouth Access to Housing). They can help you get a bed at George House if they meet you while you are out on the streets.
Sort out your money - You can still claim benefits even without a permanent address as long as you meet the normal entitlement rules. If you are already in receipt of benefits, please notify Jobcentre Plus that you are homeless as they can provide you with additional support to maintain your claim. You can access the Internet at the Oasis Project (where you can redeem foodbank vouchers) and at libraries throughout Plymouth to find paid work. You may also be able to get work by selling the Big Issue magazine.
Look after your health - You can register with a doctor even if you don’t have a permanent address. If you cannot get an appointment with a doctor, emergency treatment for minor injuries and illnesses can be offered at the Cumberland Centre in Devonport. Medical care and a chiropodist (someone who can give professional advice on preventing foot problems) are also available at the Shekinah Mission drop in. If you inject drugs, don’t share needles and try to always use clean equipment. Please visit here for more information.
Keep in touch - You could use the phone at The Zone to make a brief call to stay in contact with family. If you could keep in touch by email you can access computers at the Oasis Centre or at a library. If you don’t want to make direct contact, you could leave a message for friends or family using the Missing People helpline on Freephone 116 000.
Find a place to keep your belongings - The Safe Sleep facility at The Salvation Army Lifehouse may have some storage facilities to store your belongings for a limited period of time. The same would apply if you are allocated a bed at George House.