Sexual Health & Relationships

If you have questions about your sexual health, relationships or sexuality, we’re here to help. You can drop in or book in to see us 5 days a week at our building based in Plymouth City Centre.

You’ll be able to speak to one of our trained workers in confidence, as well as get free condoms, STI screening and pregnancy testing. We can also help you to access emergency contraception and other specialist sexual health services.

We also run a free sexual health clinics where a specialist sexual health nurse from SHiP offers sexual health advice as well as as all forms of contraception, including; pills, injections and implants, treatments for STIs, and emergency contraception.

Appointments with our nurses are available:

  • Monday 10am - 6.30pm*

  • Wednesday 10am - 6.30pm

  • Thursday 10am -6.30pm*

  • Friday 10am - 4.30pm

    *New drop in for under 20s 4pm - 6pm every Monday and Thursday - no appointment needed.


Talk to someone about your relation and get support if you find yourself in an unhealthy relationship.


Condoms & Contraception

Find out more about getting free condoms and contraception.

Emergency Contraception

Find out more about emergency contraception and how to get it.



Free and confidential pregnancy testing and advice.


STIs and Testing

Find out more about STIs, how to get get tested and how to keep yourself safe.


RSE sessions

We deliver workshops to students in schools across Plymouth. Our workshops give young people the opportunity to find out about healthy relationships, consent, contraception and how to make informed decisions about sex.

Our partners and funders